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Repair-Restoration Compounds are not common soluble additives in oils.

The objects of RRC impact are friction surfaces, not lubricants!

Below is the letter translation of Open Joint-Stock Company «Perm Lubricants and Lubricoolants Plant» 25/04-2012  01.10.12


For the executive director of «New technologies in industry» Ltd scientific and production enterprise Svinarchuk S. I.


Dear Sergey Ivanovich,

Upon your request, I inform you that the impact of repair-restoration additions «РВС», TS 0257-001 -74760882-2004 on the change in the properties of mineral oils and plastic grease was checked in 2004-2005 during the development of lubricants Rovel RVS L. As a result of tests, it was established that the introduction of RRC into lubricants (in concentrations recommended by the manufacturer of RRC CJSC NPC «Ruspromremont», St. Petersburg) does not cause a change in the physical and chemical parameters of lubricant oils and plastic grease. At the same time, tribological characteristics of lubricants are improved: critical load and welding load are increased.

The introduction of the PBC geomodifier at a concentration of 1 ml of 5% gel 1 l oils I-50A and KS-19 did not affect the characteristics of these oils.

Kind regards,

Technical Director

V.K. Vaganov

Differences between RRC and additives are as follows:

– RRC act only on friction surfaces in places of their contacts;

– RRC improve the working conditions of friction pairs made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, their alloys and composite materials;

– after the use of the RRC when replacing lubricants in accordance with the maintenance procedure, the mandatory re-introduction of the  RRC is not required.